Why should I implement the ELP Format?
Learning technology specifications have been around for a long time, and they serve a good purpose. They ensure that content creators and content consumers are able to work well together and with ease — but they’ve had their flaws. The ELP standard builds on over a decade of industry-wide experience, relieving many of the biggest drawbacks of previous standards. It’s a simple but powerful specification that many companies and products have adopted already, and it will be the backbone of learning technology for a long time to come.
What’s in it for me?
Nowadays, information that does not evolve is neither useful nor valid, as it quickly becomes obsolete. This simple fact means that organizations and training entities must have an editable and standard content format, independent of the provider and the authoring tool with which it was created.
The need for educational companies and entities to keep their information alive must involve the manufacturers of eLearning technology, so that the change of authoring tool does not pose a serious inconvenience to educational companies or entities.
How are different organizations and products using ELP standard?
Just as there are currently SCORM and xAPI standards for executable packages of eLearning content, there are however no standards for such content to be edited by any authoring tool. This is a problem when an authoring tool is discontinued, as it leaves the company without the ability to modify content that has taken years to complete. This is why the ELP format becomes strategic for any eLearning project.
The ELP format is allowing educational companies and entities to create digital content that can be freely modified and evolved, and guarantees that this will continue to be the case in the future. Among the contents that the different entities elaborate are protocols, educational contents, work instructions, technical product and services data sheets, technical and functional documents, and in general any information related to corporate knowledge that must be monitored and used frecuently by professionals and students.
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If you’re ready to implement ELP, move on to the technical section to find out how.
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